Interlude Seven

Well it is now approaching one year since the genesis of this site and through it all the concepts of confusionism has developed in a way that may not have been entirely predictable back then. But then again confusionism is meant to be dynamic so it will evolve in its own way whether predictable or not.

In future weeks we are promised the return of the writing of Brighteyes which has been absent for a few months while important life changes were ongoing. The writings of G now stands at forty pieces, and quite a mix they are too with more coming in the future some of which will be new pieces and others which will be continuations of some pieces started already such as Wan’s Story, which now has excerpts one, two and three, and maybe the recently started Amercian Hero.

With confusionism we have seen the development of the notions of structures and institutions that control and core confusionist values such as questions over answers, incompleteness over completeness, value contradictions, doubt over certainty and imperfection over perfection. There have also been ample examples in real life that have come up to expose the analysis confusionists use such as in the leaks on Afghanistan, recent changes in English premier league ownership and of course further happenings within western democracy which confusionists just see as a major factor in causing confusion through democracy just giving people a stake in their oppression.

Art wise we have seen the confusionist notion of perpetual writing outlined for the first time as a more global approach as compared to previous ideas on creativityvignettive writing and fragmentary writing. A start has also been made on fragmentary writing theory, obviously from a confusionist perspective, which is not the only one, but the one we naturally concentrate on. While these developments have been stressed to writing they are obviously easily adaptable and apt for other forms of art in what is developing now as an art movement as much as a creative model or maybe even a quiet revolution with revolutionaries of a different kind from the stereotype although of course stereotypes are rarely accurate as they are just ways the structures and institutions try to paint or label people or groups in their normal reactionary way.

The piece on fifth generation warfare has been added as a follow up to the one on fourth generation warfare and future ones on sixth and maybe even seventh generation warfare will follow. Further pieces on pseudo-modernism, technology, art, propaganda and or course pieces challenging common conceptions and norms are planned together with any real life examples exposing such, which will only multiply as the levels of control needed to keep people in their confusion increase. As we head into a second year we expect confusionism to develop in ways we again we cannot now plan for in both theory and art and also adjust to find paths and ways through the modern world through recognition leading to enhanced emancipation and freedom. The second year promises to be a good one. And we will continue to ask questions.

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